How to compress files on Windows 10 using 7-Zip

  1. Introduction
  2. Downloading 7-Zip
  3. Compressing the files
  4. 7-Zip archive options
  5. Quick steps


Got a bunch of files you want to compress for an email? Or maybe some pictures to compress to save space? Let’s get that sorted for you then!

Downloading 7-Zip

First of all you need to install 7-Zip, if you haven’t got it installed then do that and come back to read on.

Compressing the files

Now let’s get started, to begin with you’ll want to locate the files you wish to compress, you need to select both of them (ctrl+click on each one) and then right click, go over to ‘7-Zip‘ and then click ‘Add to archive…

A photo showing the files to compress, right click menu, 7-Zip and then the Add to archive option.
Right click the files, click ‘7-Zip’ and click ‘Add to archive…’.

7-Zip archive options

You’ll then be shown the below window, you don’t need to change anything here except the name (if you wish) which is the window next to the text ‘Archive:‘ that says ‘‘. There is also an option to encrypt said folder which is in the ‘Encryption‘ section, if you wish to do that simply put a password in and don’t forget it as you’ll need it to unencrypt it! You can also change the location of the save by clicking the 3 dots to the right of the name box. Click ‘OK‘ when you’re done.

The add to archive window that is shown when you create an archive with 7-Zip.
The Add to archive window with multiple options for your compression such as password protecting it.

Once it’s done go to the save location, if you didn’t change it then it will be in the same location as the files you chose to compress.

A browser window showing the zip file location.
The zip folder was saved in the same location as the files I compressed.

The new compressed file will be ‘‘ where name is the name you chose, that’s it! Double click it to check your files are there.

A browser window showing the files inside of the zip folder.
Inside the zip folder are the two test files I compressed.

Quick steps

Highlight the files you want to compress > right click > 7-Zip > Add to archive > Click ‘OK‘ after adjusting the settings to your liking.

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