How to record gameplay for FREE using the Gamebar on Windows 10 (No downloads required!)

  1. Introduction
  2. How to screen record
  3. Extras
    1. Audio Mixer
    2. Spotify
    3. Xbox Social
    4. Performance stats
  4. Quick Steps


Gone are the days of downloading Fraps or having to have a dedicated Graphics card with software to screen record your amazing late night Minecraft gameplay (No? Was that just me?). In todays post we will be showing you how to record your games for FREE on Windows 10.

How to screen record

First things first, you need to press ‘Win+G‘, this will open up the Xbox game bar on your Windows machine. It will also open up some other dialog windows such as a tutorial, you can read them all, or simply close them if you wish.

With the game bar open, off the bat you can just click the record button (the circle) that’s located in the ‘Capture‘ window and start recording.

That’s literally it, how short is that! I almost feel bad posting this, it took you less than a minute to read.

Just a tip, this is what the whold lot looks like, notice that the ‘Capture‘ window is in the top left.

Now we’ll go over some of the other windows too.


Audio Mixer

So built in they actually have an audio mixer, if you find your gameplay is too loud you can simply reduce the volume of it and hopefully without too much work, it’ll all be at a perfect balance for recording.


They now have Spotify support so you can change your music without having to alt-tab out of your games! Most handy for some older games that crash when you do it, I’m looking at you Dungeon Keeper 2!

Xbox Social

Your Xbox friends will also appear here, allowing you to chat with whoevers online, again without having to alt-tab, check your phone or even download another software!

Performance stats

And lastly they have a performance stat window, this is handy if you notice particular games are using up all of your resources and you need to dial down the settings a little.

Quick Steps

Press ‘Win+G‘ and then click the ‘Record‘ button in the ‘Capture‘ window.

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